With the stock market and other financial markets down, retail and trading market continues to grow that is expected to last for many years. As a way to diversify their portfolios many people are turning towards trading because of its continued growth. One main reason for most of the investors taking up trading is the fact that it is similar to bond and equity trading in many ways. At trading market, the banks and institutions that trade with each other 24 hours per day on a daily basis is totally different from trading and retail market.
Investment banks will take out a credit check on each other, however in retail and trade markets the investor is in effect trading with the banks at almost the same quotes and with a very similar spread these days. Trader should receive the order in real time from the investor buy, sell or close position. Many countries trading companies like United States have now reduced the trading leveraging capacity to their customers. Like NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) or other financial markets, the retail and trading markets does not have a definite physical location or a central exchange. It is considered as an “interbank” or “over the counter market”.
This is because the trading is done electronically within the networks of banks that operate 24 hours a day. In late 1990’s investing money in trading and retailing markets is only for big guy’s means for rich people. At that time you had about $10 to $50 million which was the initial requirement. But today online trading firms are now able to offer trading accounts not only to retail traders but also for people who want to make money from a relatively low initial amount
To start with retail and trading market you should must have enough knowledge and background about retail trading. After gaining confidence and assurance that you have a clear idea of what you’re about to get into, then you’re just about ready to play in the trading market along with the big guys.